
Izhodišče za razvoj novih modelov je bilo usmerjeno kot odprtost v naravo, zajemanju velike količine svetlobe in razgledu. S projektiranjem mi je uspelo uresničiti ta izhodišča, zato so vse eko glamping enote narejene s panoramskimi stenami, ki izražajo tudi prepoznavnost blagovne znamke Camur.

Spoznali boste več različnih tlorisnih razporeditev ter samo en, najvišji nivo opreme. Odločitev za en nivo opreme je padla predvsem zato, da se ne izgubljate v ponujenih opcijah, predvsem pa je odličen občutek, ko v času počitka ali bivanja nič ne manjka. Obseg ponudbe nisem razširili na nepregledno število različnih tipov vil in tlorisov, ampak sem združil v praksi najprimernejše razporeditve prostorov in njihovo uporabnost. 

Vsekakor pa lahko proizvedemo tudi eko glamping enoto, ki ustreza vašim potrebam oziroma načinu življenja.

Torej, bistvo ponudbe eko glamping enot Camur je enostavnost, preglednost, jasnost, nedvoumnost in preprostost odločitve.

Proces v samo 5-ih fazah

Pri CAMUR poenostavljamo potek izdelave. Vodili vas bomo skozi celoten postopek in vam pomagali izbrati tloris, model in preveriti vse končne podrobnosti vaše nove glamping enote CAMUR.

Obveščali vas bomo o celotnem postopku proizvodnje.


Osebno, telefonsko ali Skype posvetovanje z nami vam bo pomagalo izbrati pravo glamping enoto CAMUR za vas. Skupaj bomo preverili razpoložljive možnosti in nadgradnje za izbrano glamping enoto, v kolikor bi želeli v svojo glamping enoto vključiti kakšne posebne funkcije.


Nato vam bomo posredovali podrobne specifikacije vaše glamping enote CAMUR in dokončali naročilo. Posredovali vam bomo pogodbeno dokumentacijo, v kateri bo predstavljena časovnica in plačilni pogoji. Trajnostna izdelava glamping enote CAMUR se začne takoj, ko je eden izmed plačilnih pogojev realiziran.


V proizvodnji uporabljamo napredne modularne konstrukcijske metode, skrivnost hitre proizvodnje. Te metode nam omogočajo natančno sestavljanje celotne enote v zaprtih prostorih, kar pomeni visokokakovostno in nadstandardno izvajanje. Ko se proizvodnja začne, potrebujemo 5-7-tedenov za izdelavo.

4. faza, PREVOZ

Pred prevozom vaše glamping enote CAMUR na mikrolokacijo uredimo še zadnja plačila, nato se začne logistični proces natovora, prevoza, raztovora in namestitve na vaši parceli. 


Medtem ko v proizvodnji sestavljamo vašo glamping enoto CAMUR, je parcela že pripravljena za postavitev enote. Ker sodelujemo s preverjenimi lastniki zemljišč in podizvajalci, lahko zagotavljamo kakovostno pripravljene parcele in butične glampinge. Ko je vaša glamping enota CAMUR pripravljena, jo dostavimo na izbrano lokacijo, kjer jo sestavi naša ekipa.

Vse na enem mestu


Vsak estetski detajl je je zrasel v našem oblikovalskem vesolju. Zato spoštujemo intelektualno lastnino in enako pričakujemo od ostalih.


Ideje ostajajo v naši hiši. Ker nismo odvisno od zunanjih idej, lahko razvoj izvajamo sami.

Krajinska arhitektura

Okolica glamping vil je prav tako pomembna kot vila sama. Zato izrišemo ozelenitev, potke, zunanjo razsvetljavo, parkirišča in seveda, bazen.

Infrastrukturna dela

Zemeljska dela za infrastrukturo so zahtevna dela. Najraje imamo, če za nemoteno tehnično delovanje butičnega glampinga poskrbimo z lastno ekipo.


Da bo butični glamping takšen kot si želite, vam pripravimo natančno predstavitev s pomočjo arhitekturnega fotorealizma.


Optimizacija dela in logistične rešitve so najbolj učinkovite v sklopu lastne proizvodnje.

Prevoz in dostava

Varnost je na prvem mestu. Zato glamping enote dostavimo v lastni režiji s preverjenimi avtoprevozniki.


Sklepni del celotne storitve je postavitev glamping enot in teras na vašo lokacijo. Naj bo tako kot mora biti.


The starting point for the development of the new eco-friendly glamping units was directed at being open to nature, capturing large amounts of light and viewing. With the design I was able to realize these starting points, so all the units are made with panoramic walls that express the Camur brand’s distinctiveness.

You will find several different floor plans and only one, the highest level of equipment. Decision for one level of equipment has fallen mainly to avoid getting confused in options offered, but above all, it is a great feeling when nothing is missing during your vacation or living. I did not extend the scope of the offer to different impenetrable types of eco-friendly glamping units and floor plans, but combined in practice the most appropriate layout of the premises and their usability.

However, we can also produce an eco-friendly glamping unit that suits your needs in tourism or lifestyle.

So, the essence of the offer of eco-friendly glamping units is simplicity, transparency, clarity, unambiguity and ease of decision.

Proces in only 5 phases

At CAMUR we simplify the construction process. We will guide you through the overall process and help you to choose your layout, model and check all the final details of your new CAMUR glamping unit.

We will keep you informed of a whole building process.

Phase 1,

A personal or phone or Skype consultation with an CAMUR expert will help choosing the right CAMUR glamping unit for you. Together we will check the available options and upgrades for your chosen glamping unit if you wish to have any special features included in your unit.

Phase 2,

We will then provide you with detailed specifications of your unit and finalise your order. We will provide you with contract documentation. Then we will present the timeline and ask for a 80% pre-construction payment. Sustainable manufacture of your CAMUR glamping unit starts straightaway once payment is settled.

Phase 3,

CAMUR uses advanced modular construction methods, the secret of its fast production. These methods allow us to accurately assemble the whole unit indoors, which results in a high-quality and high-standard building. There is a 5–7 week build time once assembly begins.

Phase 4,

Prior to shipping the CAMUR glamping unit to your location, an additional 20% payment is required. A truck with your lovely new glamping unit is then sent to your location.

Phase 5,

While your CAMUR glamping unit is being assembled in our factory, the site is prepared for the final delivery to your location. CAMUR works with local teams that ensure the quality preparation of your site. Once ready, your CAMUR galmping unit is delivered right to your site and assembled by our team.
Now your new CAMUR glamping unit is ready to welcome you.

Full house service


Every aesthetic detail has grown in our design universe. Therefore, we respect intellectual property and expect the same from others.


Ideas remain in our house. Because we do not depend on external ideas, we can carry out the development ourselves.


The surroundings of glamping villas are just as important as the villa itself. So we draw landscaping, paths, outdoor lighting, parking lots and of course, the pool.

Infrastructure implementation

Earthworks for infrastructure are demanding works. We prefer to take care of the smooth technical operation of the resort with our team.


To make the resort the way you want it, we prepare an accurate presentation with the help of architectural photorealism.


Work optimization and logistics solutions are most efficient in the context of its own production.

Transport and delivery

Safety comes first. That is why we deliver glamping villas under our own direction with verified truckers.


The final part of the entire service is the installation of glamping villas and terraces at your location. Let it be as it should be.